PPRP's Statement for two workers killing in Venezuela



NO.: 009/PS/KP-PRP/e/II/09

Fulfill the Demands of Mitsubishi (MMC) Workers!

Purge the Counter-revolutionary Forces from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela!

Defend and Forward the Bolivarian Socialist Revolution!

Penuhi Tuntutan Buruh MMC!

Singkirkan Kekuatan Kontra Revolusi dari Republik Bolivarian Venezuela!

Pertahankan dan Majukan Revolusi Sosialis Bolivarian!

the working class must break up, smash the "ready-made state machinery," and not confine itself merely to laying hold of it.
State and Revolution (1917)

In the afternoon of Thursday, January 29, two workers were killed by the police in the state of Anzoategui, Venezuela. The workers killed are Pedro Suarez from the Mitsubishi (MMC) factory and José Marcano from nearby auto parts factory Macusa. They were killed when the regional police of Anzoategui was attempting to evict hundreds of workers who have been occupying the Mitsubishi factory. The workers of Mitsubishi have occupied the plant since the 20th of January because 135 contract workers were laid off. In a mass meeting where 893 workers were present, 863 voted in favour of occupying the Mitsubishi factory. They also stated that nationalization is the only solution to the conflicts in the factories of Vivex, Franelas Gotcha, Industria Nacional de Artículos de Ferretería (INAF) and Acerven. The decision to evict these workers came from three judges; Henry Gabián Dietrich, Lourdes Villarroel and Diana Vásquez. Those judges ignored the fact that MMC has violated the law because of their mass lay-off of workers.

Sadly, this happened in the time of Bolivarian Revolution and this was not the first repression against workers in the Bolivarian Republic. Fundimeca workers (air conditioner factory) in Valencia, Alpina di Villa de Cura workers, Sidor workers (steel factory) in Puerto Ordaz or fuel workers in front of Venezuelan Fuel Corporation Dairy Story office in Anzoategui have experienced repressions by the police who were instructed by corrupt judges.

We welcome the development of the MMC case. Among others is the six police officers who were involved in the killing of the two workers have been arrested and several commissions were establish to deal this matter. Also the decision by the Anzoategui governor, Tarek William Saab, to temporary relieve two judges who were involved in the incident. Those judges were also summoned by the Supreme Court. Meanwhile the Venezuela National Assembly is also going to investigate the death of the MMC workers. The President of Energy and Mining Commission has met with the President of Human Rights Sub Commission and they have been discussing the necessity to establish a High Commission regarding this issue that will be lead by the Venezuelan Vice President, Ministry of Work, Anzoategui Governor and the management of the Mitsubishi factory. President Chavez himself has stated that the Government "regrets what happened in the factory in the state of Anzoategui…to avoid such police abuses I ask the governors and mayors to carry out a process of purification of the police bodies."

For us the Indonesian people, we have experienced ourselves the tragic consequence of believing that the pro-working class and anti-working class elements can co-exist in the State. The result for that belief is the destruction of the people's power itself in 1965. Around 3 million people were slaughtered, hundreds of thousand were imprisoned without trial, and thousands of people were in exile until now. The Working People Association and the progressive workers movements in Indonesia are following with close attention the clash that has caused the life of two Mitsubishi workers in Venezuela. The experience of workers struggle to control factory and production has now become an important lesson amongst the working class in Indonesia and it has become an alternative view for the global capitalism crisis. We, the Working People Association, demand the following:

  1. President Chavez and the Government of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela must fulfill the demands of the MMC's workers.

  2. President Chavez and the Government of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela must take a firm step to investigate this case, not only the police who were directly responsible but also those who gave the order.

  3. President Chavez and the Government of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela must immediately purge all the counter-revolutionary forces that are embedded in the Venezuelan State apparatus.

The victory of the Venezuelan people will be achieved through their unity and unwavering march toward the Bolivarian Socialist Revolution. Move toward the unity of workers of the world to smash the dying capitalism!

Pada tanggal 29 Januari (Waktu Venezuela) dua buruh dibunuh oleh Polisi di Provinsi Anzoategui, Venezuela. Dua buruh yang dibunuh tersebut adalah Pedro Suarez dari pabrik Mitshubishi dan Jose Marcano dari pabrik otomotif Macusa. Mereka dibunuh ketika polisi Anzoategui mencoba menggusur ratusan buruh yang telah menduduki pabrik Mitsubitshi (MMC). Para buruh MMC telah menduduki pabrik tersebut sejak tanggal 22 Januari karena PHK terhadap 135 pekerja kontrak. Pada pertemuan buruh Mitsubitshi dimana 893 buruh hadir, 863 buruh memilih setuju untuk menduduki pabrik. Mereka juga meminta agar 135 buruh yang di PHK dipekerjakan kembali sebagai buruh tetap. Dan menyatakan bahwa nasionalisasi adalah satu-satunya solusi untuk konflik di pabrik Vivex, Franelas Gotcha, Industria Nacional de Articulos de Ferreteria (INAF) dan Acerven. Keputusan untuk menggusur para buruh itu sendiri dikeluarkan oleh tiga orang hakim yaitu: Henry Gabián Dietrich, Lourdes Villarroel dan Diana Vásquez. Para hakim tersebut mengabaikan fakta bahwa MMC telah melanggar hukum karena melakukan PHK massal.

Yang sangat menyedihkan adalah kejadian ini terjadi dalam masa Revolusi Bolivarian dan bukanlah yang pertama kali. Buruh Fundimeca (pabrik AC) di Valencia, buruh Alpina di Villa de Cura, buruh Sidor (pabrik besi) di Puerto Ordaz atau buruh bahan bakar didepan kantor Venezuelan Fuel Corporation Dairy Story di Anzoategui telah merasakan bagaimana kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh polisi dan dipicu oleh hakim-hakim korup.

Namun begitu, kami menyambut baik perkembangan terhadap kejadian tersebut. Termasuk diantaranya adalah penangkapan terhadap enam orang polisi yang diduga terlibat serta didirikannya berbagai Komisi untuk menangani kasus tersebut. Dan juga keputusan Gubernur Anzoategui untuk memberhentikan sementara dua hakim yang terlibat dalam kejadian tersebut. Dan hakim tersebut juga akan dipanggil oleh Mahkamah Agung. Sementara itu Dewan Nasional Venezuela juga akan menyelidiki kematian para buruh. Presiden Komisi Energi dan Pertambangan serta Presiden Subkomisi HAM telah bertemu dan mendiskusikan kebutuhan membentuk Komisi Tingkat Tinggi mengenai isu tersebut yang dikepalai oleh Wakil Presiden Venezuela, Menteri Pekerjaan, Gubernur Anzoategui dan bos pabrik Mitsubishi. Presiden Chavez sendiri sudah mengatakan bahwa pemerintahan nasional menyesali apa yang terjadi…untuk menghindari kesewenang-wenangan polisi semacam itu dia telah meminta gubernur dan walikota untuk menjalankan proses pembersihan dalam kepolisian.

Bagi kami rakyat Indonesia, kami mempunyai pengalaman langsung dari kepercayaan terhadap satu Negara dapat hidup berdampingan kekuatan pro kelas pekerja dan anti kelas pekerja. Hasil dari kepercayaan tersebut adalah dihancurkannya kekuatan rakyat itu sendiri pada tahun 1965. Sekitar 3 juta orang dibantai, ratusan ribu dipenjarakan tanpa pengadilan, ribuan hidup terasing diluar Indonesia hingga sekarang. PRP dan gerakan buruh progresif lainnya di Indonesia mengikuti berita tentang bentrokan yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa buruh Mitshubishi di Venezuela. Pengalaman perjuangan kontrol buruh atas pabrik dan produksi saat ini menjadi bahan pembelajaran di antara kekuatan kelas pekerja di Indonesia, dan menjadi wacana alternatif mengatasi krisis kapitalisme global. Kami Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja menyerukan:

  1. Presiden Chavez dan Pemerintahan Republik Bolivarian harus memenuhi tuntutan buruh MMC.

  2. Presiden Chavez dan Pemerintahan Republik Bolivarian harus mengambil langkah tegas untuk mengusut tuntas kasus tersebut. Tidak hanya para pelaku dilapangan namun juga oknum-oknum yang memberikan perintah tersebut

  3. Presiden Chavez dan Pemerintahan Republik Bolivarian Venezuela harus segera menyingkirkan kelompok-kelompok kontra revolusi yang ada didalam apparatus Negara Venezuela

Kemenangan akan dicapai oleh Rakyat Venezuela dalam bentuk persatuan dan keteguhan untuk bergerak dalam jalan Revolusi Sosialis Bolivarian. Dan kedepannya menuju persatuan rakyat pekerja seluruh dunia untuk menghancurkan kapitalisme yang sedang sekarat.

Jakarta, 13 Februari 2009

Central Committee Working People's Association

Komite Pusat Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja

National Chairperson
Ketua Nasional

(Anwar Ma'ruf)

General Secretary
Sekretaris Jendera

(Rendro Prayogo)

Komite Pusat Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja (KP PRP)
JL Gading Raya Gg. Gading IX No. 12 Pisangan Lama, Jakarta Timur Phone/Fax: (021) 47881632 Email: komite.pusat@prp-indonesia.org / prppusat@gmail.com Website: www.prp-indonesia.org

Komite Pusat
Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja (PRP)
JL Gading Raya gg Gading IX No 12 Pisangan Timur, Jakarta Timur
Telp : (021) 47881632
Fax: (021) 47881632
Email : prppusat@gmail.com
Website : www.prp-indonesia.org


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